Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Eat Healthy This Summer And Hit The Beach With That Perfect Body

Summer is the time to be at the beach and flaunt your perfect curves and body. However, every
time summer is around the corner, you realize that you have grown out of shape and need to
lose some fat to get into your bikinis. Summer is by far the best time to get rid of that extra
pounds, as you normally drink more water in this season. Following a proper diet combined with
some exercise or workouts, makes it so much easier to lose weight.
Summer food should be light and easily digestive. Heavy meals will not only make you put on
weight, but will also make you feel lousy all day long. This is the time to drink plenty of fresh
fruit juices and shakes and to eat plenty of vegetables in the form of salads. Fruit juice is not
only refreshing, but also provides you with essential minerals and makes your stomach feel full
and cool. Watermelon is the fruit to indulge in during the hot days. It has no calories and also
has more of water content that leaves you feeling full for long hours. As you do not eat much,
you eventually reduce excessive fats.
Summer is the time when you need to swap your heavy meals with lighter ones. So think fruit.
Apart from watermelon, eat various other fresh fruits. Let there be lots of strawberries,
cranberries, raspberries, mangoes, oranges and sweet lime in your daily diet. Fruits do not
make you gain weight and also provide your body with the required amount of vitamins and
other important minerals. To get back in shape you need to cut down on meat and junk food
completely during summer. In place of meat, eat loads of fresh green leafy vegetables.
Vegetables can be grilled or eaten raw. You can also boil them or prepare sandwiches.
Cucumber, beetroot, and carrots are good to eat raw. Salad is not only light, but also helps tone
up your body. Cucumber juice helps you to get rid of fats. You can also prepare a chilled
cucumber juice for supper. Avoid taking in too much of calories. However, it does not mean that
you would make your summers boring, as you could always prepare low calorie desserts with
fruits and laced with ice cream to make it tasty and healthy.
At every meal, remember to eat moderately. In a way, summer heat does not make you feel
very hungry, which is a good start to your diet plan. It is what helps you to eat in moderation and
get back in shape. Along with healthy summer food, you also need to workout to get the desired
beach body. If you do not want to hit the gym, you can do some light exercises that will help you
lose some extra pounds.
Sunbathing at the beach is what we all love to do. And flaunting your perfect body at the beach
is a secret desire everyone cherishes. Take care of your diet and eat healthy food at the right
time during summer. Be dedicated and committed toward your diet and fitness regimen. No
power on earth can keep you from getting that perfect beach body in a very short time.

Great Diets For The Summer

Summer is the time when our body demands more liquids and foods that are cooling. In order to
stay active and enjoy the summers, you can get in to light and healthy diets. This is also a good
time to get rid of those extra pounds and flaunt your body. Apart from drinking plenty of water,
your body still requires nutrients to survive. Thus, eat loads of vegetables and fruits to keep it
light and healthy as well.
Fruits are a great source of vitamins and are the perfect food on hot summer days. Other than
just biting into the fruit, you can make a salad out of it and top it with a low fat ice cream. You
can also make yummy shakes. Eat fruits in various forms so you can enjoy them more and get
essential vitamins. Green vegetables are healthy as well as they provide you with all the
nutrients. Try out delicious recipes and maintain healthy eating during summer. Make salads, or
cook them well for a soup. Make vegetable sandwiches or eat vegetables boiled. They not make
you feel cool but also provide the needed energy.
Try to avoid meat during summers, as it can get heavy on your stomach. Instead, eat more
broiled fish, beans, which are rich in proteins and fiber. They are not only filling and great but
also help you remain in shape. Fat-free yogurt makes a great part of your diet. Tomatoes and
red peppers are right foodstuff in summers as well. They are rich in vitamins and reduce the
chance of cancer. If you are looking out for cooler food items, you can go for cucumber, as they
are healthy especially during warm days. They not only cool your stomach but also provide your
body with the required nutrients.
If you do not like to eat vegetables, try turning them into delicious soup and take in daily. This
will make a healthy meal and keep you active. For fruits, eat loads of watermelon, sweet lime,
and oranges; grapes too are good, and you can try them frozen. They will offer you all the
vitamins and keep your body hydrated. It is important to hydrate your body as the sun can take
away all the glucose. Always carry a bottle of water when travelling. Taking a glass of fresh fruit
juice regularly is also beneficial.
To enjoy the beach side food, you can go for low calorie sweets and barbeques. Avoid taking
alcohol as it can burn your stomach and add some calories to your weight. Indulge more in light
and easily digestive food to enjoy the summers without any body discomfort.
Apart from what you eat during the summer months, it is very important to learn how to cook
foods. You can bake your food, so you get in less fats, braise it, grill light meats and vegetables,
boil chicken and vegetables together with salt and herbs for a deliciously light treat, poach those
eggs, so you get the nutrients without the heaviness. Also roast, sauté, and steam food for a
healthy you.

Health Diet Plans For The Summer

Summer is one season when everyone wants to keep fit and free from any diseases. Definitely,
most of us would like to lose some weight so that we look healthy and feel good. But, how would
you get there? What would you do to remain healthy and fit throughout the summer? Here are
few tips that may help you to lose some weight and make your skin glow even in this hot
summer. To begin with, you ought to have a summer diet plan.
Try to be a smart eater: The best way to follow a healthy plan is to eat smart with plenty of
vegetables and fruits. You may need to change your eating habits, unlike what you would eat
say in winter. Different seasons require different diets to maintain the body. You would need to
alter and organize your eating habit in summer, which should focus on your health and not on
your weight. Eat at regular intervals during the day, maintaining to eat plenty of vegetable salads
and fruits or fruit juices. These will only burn off the calories and strengthen the vitamin
contents in your body.
Increase protein and decrease the carbohydrates: The important thing is to know what
constitutes your food intake. Does it contain carbohydrates or is your intake protein based food.
In any case, one should avoid all kinds of fatty foods, especially when you are trying to lose
weight. While having small meals always keep in mind that you should not take any kind of
carbohydrates or fat related food, but instead take protein rich food. This would keep your body
hydrated and healthy with a glowing skin, in spite of summer temperature.
Exercise, exercise and exercise: Exercise forms an integral part of a healthy diet plan. And
one can feel the effects of exercise, which burn out excessive calories. Taking a walk, jogging or
some gym workouts would rather help your healthy diet plan to enhance your body. It is always
advisable to participate in some form of physical activity for fifteen minutes daily to burn excess
Don't dehydrate during your workouts or exercise: Drink a lot of water or carrot or fruit
juices during your workout and even throughout the day. This would not only quench your thirst,
but would also cool your system. You may also try a few health drinks. These would regain your
electrolytes, which are lost through sweating. Once you get dehydrated you will lose all your
energy and your body won’t respond to the normal functions. Having a lot of fruit juices would
keep your body hydrated.
Take some tips from fashion magazines: Whenever you go through fashion magazines, it
would invoke in you the desire to have a body just like those models. Take them as your
models, clip their pictures and paste them at a place where you can see them. A good place
could be your wardrobe or bathroom mirror. There are chances that the picture will motivate you
every day to reach your fit and healthy goal.
Maintain a record: If you can maintain or keep track of your summer health diet plans, you
would definitely lose weight and remain healthy. You could note down whatever you eat and
drink to estimate the accumulation of calories in the body daily.

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Healthy For This Summer

Summers are here and after the careless and lazy winter regime, it's time to head out for the
beaches and lakes for a refreshing swim and some fun. Everyone’s getting their swimsuits
ready, but how many fit into them is another story. If you do, you are in shape so no problem.
However, when you just can't get your swimsuit on, you will need to have a great diet plan at
hand for this summer. It’s merely the need for exercise and discipline in what you eat that can
get your body back into shape. There is no need to purchase any diet plan, simply make one for
yourself and follow it sincerely.
Here are a few tips for a healthy summer plan: Make it quick and easy. Fill your pantry and
refrigerator with organically cultivated fresh fruits and vegetables. Make it a fun time to explore
some unique cuisines simply made with seasonal flavours. Planning what you eat is necessary
to keep a check on what is nutritious and what needs to be taken in more quantities so that you
weigh less on that weighing scale. You want to shed that extra flab on your waist and it is easier
to do so in summers.
Eat Right: The plan that you make has to include more proteins and fewer carbohydrates. What
you eat is important and keeping it lighter is necessary for your body. Your metabolism has to
improve and that’s possible if you include multiple meals. Take smaller but more meals through
the day. Enjoy a variety of your favorite dishes made wisely to include protein rich and fibrous
food. You can have snacks or meals often for your metabolism to improve.
Fruits like blueberries, strawberries; tart berries etc are a rich source of proteins, vitamins and
antioxidants. These are highly fibrous fruits and help improve your immune system, maintain a
youthful brain and improve memory and learning abilities. You can make these fruits into
interesting dishes by adding fat free yogurt or adding them to salads to have a rich colour and
Research shows that strawberries are useful in keeping blood sugar levels under control and
thus help fight diabetes. They are even helpful in providing your body vitamin C and minerals
like magnesium, potassium and calcium. You can add them and decorate a variety of
smoothies, cereals and granola with it. Adding fresh parsley can give your favourite dishes an
added flavour. They are a good source of beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein, which are
necessary for a healthy vision.
As a part of your diet plan, water has to be an important part. It is necessary to hydrate your
body in summer, since summer is when you lose lots of body fluids. Drinking water regularly
keeps you system stable, helps in digestion, and improves cell functions as well. Remember to
change to skimmed milk to reduce the calorie intake. Similarly, you can reduce the high vitamin
content drinks like Gatorade, and drinks like iced green tea.
Summers are times when everything is fresh and pleasant. It is time you have a good diet plan
that make for your healthy summer plans. Most of these things can make your dishes colourful
and enjoyable. So get ready to fit into that summer wear you so wanted to.

About Healthy Eating Pyramid

The healthy eating pyramid is an essential tool that guides us towards eating nutritious food.
This pyramid lets you know about basic foods that help your body grow. Since the need and
taste of every individual is different, the food pyramid gives details of foods that one can
combine or cook in various flavours to give you better taste and health. Developed in Sweden in
1970, this special pyramid has guided many people to understand the various food items
required to stay fit and healthy.
The healthy eating pyramid is an easy and small model that gives details about various
foodstuffs, so, when it comes to selecting your diet, it is very important that you go for healthy
and nutritional food. Many people fail to understand the importance of good food in development
and growth. As per the pyramid, there is no need to stick to a particular diet to stay healthy. Any
food that can be taken in moderate amount can prove healthy for you. The pyramid talks about
quality food and not quantity. It categorizes food by their energy content, and nutrient values
that they offer.
One level of food in the pyramids is “Eat most” as this group consists of food derived from
plants. This group is at the base of the pyramid. Another level is “ Eat moderate” group that
consist of animal derived food and the “Eat in small amount” group has sugar and fats on the tip
of the pyramid. The pyramid plays an important role, when it comes to educating you regarding
healthy eating, since it helps you to understand the role of every food item, and what benefits
your body the most. Once you have a clear understanding about the food that you eat, you will
be able to alter it to lead a healthy life.
The healthy eating pyramid is the best guide for people of all age groups and can help them live
a better life. Today the importance of healthy eating is consciously growing in people’s minds,
and people are taking initiative to understand the value of good food. The pyramid is what you
can look upon as a guide for a healthy diet. It is possible to alter the healthy eating pyramid, as
the amount of nutrients required may vary depending upon changing lifestyles and physical
The Health Department has worked hard to come up with this simple guide for healthy eating.
Many nutritionist and doctors are taking great efforts to make this pyramid reach out to
everyone, so that they can keep a check on their diet. It is never too late to alter any diet. You
can start from any day and feel the difference. Healthy eating can save your life from fatal
diseases. It strengthens your immune system, and fight against the health problems. With the
healthy eating pyramid, healthy eating is made easy to understand, and easy to follow for a
better life.